Did You Know? Pevonia has won 500+ awards since launching in 1991!

- Favorite Skincare Line
- Favorite Bodycare Line
- Favorite Natural Line
- Favorite Brightening Line
- Favorite Men's Line
- Favorite Sensitive Skin Line

- Favorite Men's Line

- Favorite Men's Line
- Favorite Lightening Line
- Favorite Natural Line
- Favorite Anti-Aging Line
- Favorite Bodycare Line
- Favorite Skincare Line

- Favorite Men's Line
- Favorite Lightening Line
- Favorite Natural Line
- Favorite Anti-Aging Line
- Favorite Suncare Line

- Favorite Anti-Aging Line

- Favorite Anti-Aging Line
- Favorite Sensitive Skin Line

- Favorite Anti-Aging Line
- Favorite Sensitive Skin Line

- Favorite Anti-Aging Line
- Favorite Men's Line

- Favorite Anti-Aging Line
- Favorite Men's Line
- Favorite Hydrotherapy Equipment Manufacturer

- Favorite Anti-Aging Line
- Favorite Men's Line
- Favorite Hydrotherapy Equipment Manufacturer

- Favorite Men's Line
- Favorite Anti-Aging Line
- Favorite Sensitive Skin Line
- Favorite Hydrotherapy Equipment

- Favorite Men's Line
- Favorite Anti-Aging Line
- Favorite Sensitive Skin Line
- Favorite Hydrotherapy Equipment Manufacturer

- Favorite Anti-Aging Line
- Favorite Sensitive Skin Line

- Favorite Anti-Aging Line
- Favorite Sensitive Skin Line

- Favorite Anti-Aging Line
- Favorite Men's Line

- Favorite Sensitive Skin Line
- Favorite Anti-Aging Line: Myoxy-Caviar
- Favorite Company for Manufacturer Support

- Favorite Skincare Line
- Favorite Body Care Line
- Favorite Anti-Aging Line
- Favorite Men's Line
- Most Influential Spa Leader - Sylvie Hennessy

- Favorite Skincare Line
- Favorite Body Care Line
- Favorite Anti-Aging Line
- Favorite Men's Line
- Most Influential Spa Leader - Sylvie Hennessy

- Favorite Body Line

- Best Anti-Aging Line
- Best Hyperpigmentation Line

- Best Luxury Line
- Best Body Treatment

- Tinted Moisturizer: YouthRenew Tinted Cream

- Tropicale De-Aging Body Balm
- Tropicale De-Aging Saltmousse
- Myxoy-Caviar Timeless Repair Cream

- Best Miracle Cream
- Best Body Scrub
- Best Body Balm

- Best Day Skincare Product

- Best Men's Face Balm

- Editor's Choice Award

- Best Men's Face Balm

- Best Eye Remedy

- Best Eye Remedy

- Best Shaving Product

- Best Eye Cream

- Best Professional Products for Complementary Home Care

- Best Treatments - Cosmetic Care/Anti-Aging Body

- Best Body Treatment
- Best Men's Line

- Best Body Moisturizer
- Best Lightening/Brightening Line
- Best Men's Line

- Best Body Treatment
- Best Face Moisturizer
- Best Eye Cream/Gel
- Best Face Mask

- Best Body Wrap
- Best Cellulite Product
- Best Body Moisturizer
- Best Men's Collection
- Best Sensitive Skin Line

- Best Moisturizers
- Best Cleansers
- Best Eye Contour Products
- Best Anti-Aging Products
- Best Body Scrubs

- Anti-Aging Editor's Choice Award

- Editor's Choice Award

- Favorite Body Contouring

- Favorite Facial Oil

- Favorite Anti-Aging Moisturizer
- Favorite Anti-Aging Serum
- Favorite Hyaluronic Acid Serum

- Favorite Eye Mask
- Favorite Anti-Aging Serum

- Favorite Anti-Aging Serum

- Favorite Equipment

- Spa Skincare Brand of the Year
- Natural Skincare Brand of the Year

- Spa Skincare Brand of the Year

- Spa Skincare Brand of the Year
- Results-Oriented Skincare Brand of the Year
- Anti-Aging Skincare Brand of the Year

- CleanRefresh Foaming Oil Cleanser

- Crepe-No-More Body Cream
- Phyto-Aromatic Mist

- De-Aging Saltmousse - Papaya-Pineapple

- De-Aging Saltmousse - Papaya-Pineapple

- De-Aging Saltmousse - Papaya-Pineapple

- De-Aging Body Balm - Papaya-Pineapple

- De-Aging Body Balm - Papaya-Pineapple
- Enzymo-Spherides Peeling Cream

- De-Aging Body Balm - Papaya-Pineapple

- Gold in Men's Products - Moisturizers Category

- Bronze in the Best Eye Cream Category

- Gold in the Tinted Cream/Moisturizer Category

- Bronze in the Body Scrub Category

- Silver in the Best Eye Cream Category

- Gold in the Best Body & Bath Category

- Best Body Scrub

- Editor's Choice Award

- "Highly Commended" Award

- Best Body Scrub
- Best Finishing Spray

- Best Vitamin C Treatment
- Best Aromatic Oil

- Best Firming Body Lotion

- Best Lip Treatment

- Favorite Pore Refining Cream

- Favorite Men's Line

- Best Lip Treatment

- Best Stem Cell Cleanser

- Best Rosacea Treatment

- Best Marketing of the Year

- Best Marketing
- Best In-Show

- Best Marketing

- Best Eye Treatment

- Best Facial Cleanser

- Best Eye Treatment

- YouthRenew Tinted Cream

- Lumafirm Body Moisturizer - Firm & Glow

- Destination Spa of the Year - Monart Destination Spa
- Best Boutique Spa & Best Spa Facial - Monart Destination Spa
- Spa Style Award - The Spa at The Shelbourne Hotel

- Best Facial - Monart Destination Spa
- Best Spa Product Line - Pevonia UK
- Best Overall Spa - Monart Destination Spa

- Reader's Choice Top Ten Favorite Spa Product Brands

- Most Popular Spa Brand

- Best Body Scrub

- Highly Commended - Power Repair Line

- Editor's Choice Award

- Highly Commended

- Best Body Scrub
- "Highly Recommneded" Status

- Best Skincare System
- Best Foaming Cleanser
- Best Facial Serum

- Best Face Oil
- Best Eye Cream

- Best Essential Oil
- Best Candle
- Best Eye Care Product

- Best Caviar Line
- Best Spa Ambiance Aromatic Line

- Best Body Moisturizer
- Best Natural Ingredients Skincare

- Best Professional Anti-Aging Product

- Professional Skincare Technology Award

- Professional Anti-Aging Product Award

- Best Anti-Aging Treatment

- Professional Skincare Technology Award

- Best Moisturizer

- Best Beauty Spa Product

- Best Makeup Product
- Best Retail Gift Set

- Best Men's Product

- Best Body Treatment
- Best Firming Product

- High Quality Product Award

- High Quality Product Award

- Most Effective Mask

- Take It All Off Makeup Removers Award
- Best Newbie Award

- Highly Commended for Best New Facial Skincare Product/Treatment

- Best Foundation/Tinted Moisturizer
- Best Body Lotion
- Best Best Sunscreen
- Best Shaving Cream
- Best Toner
- Best Scrub
- Best Peel
- Best Acne Treatment

- Editor's Choice - Stem Cells Phyto-Elite Intensive Cream

- Micro-Retinol Essential Serum

- Micro-Retinol Essential Serum

- "A" Rated Best Eye Cream

- Best Facial Scrub
- Best Body Scrub

- New Image Brochure

- Most Popular Brand for Consumers

- Top Ten Best Suppliers: Pevonia Asia Ltd.

- Best Treatment for Blemished Skin

- Green Seal of Approval

- Best Skincare Supplier

- Best Facial Travel Kit

- Best Moisturizer

- Skincare Supplier of Choice

- Best Lotion for Her

- Best New Product Launch: Myoxy-Caviar

- Most Comprehensive Spa Brand

- Best Spa Product - Body
- Best Spa Product - Skin Care

- Best Skincare Product
- Best Anti-Aging Moisturizer
- Best Anti-Aging Firming Cream
- Best Anti-Cellulite Bath & Body

- Best Natural Formula
- Best Contour Cream
- Best Gel Cleanser
- Best Blue Hued Beauty Buys

- Cosmetic Innovators of the Year

- Myoxy-Caviar Luxury Gift Box - Best Packaging